Saturday, September 26, 2020

My favourite book

Dan Brown
Dan Brown was born in 1964 in Exeter, a New England town in New Hampshire. His dad, a mathematics professor and textbook writer who worked there, and his mom, a musician, and a singer.
Reading the Dan Brown books in order is a treat to everyone who loves religious conspiracy adventure thrillers, and let’s face it, the Da Vinci Code is pretty much the first book that comes to anyone’s mind when this genre comes up in any conversation ever, including getting involved in scholarly intellectual debates


● 1 Gunther Glick and Chinita Macri
● 2 Hassassin
● 3 Maximilian Kohler
● 4 Robert Langdon
● 5 Commander Olivetti
● 6 Captain Rocher
● 7 Carlo Ventresca
● 8 Leonardo Vetra
● 9 Vittoria Vetra


The book opens with the murder of physicistworking for the European Organization for Neuclear Research(CERN) in Switzerland. The ambigram representing the word Illuminattihas been branded on the victim’s chest and a vyle filled with a type of matter that has the destructive power equal to a neuclear bomb has stolen from CERN and hidden somewhere in Vativan City.The director of CERN contacted Robert Langdon,an expert on archaic religious symbolisom, to help unravel the various clues and find the canister.

Book review

Dan Brown’s 4th novel The Da Vinci Code in 2003 was an instant best seller of the year. But the book had many precurssors including Angels And Demons, the first book in Robert Langdon series published in 2000. The events takes place chronologically before Da Vinci Code.The major themes are religion vdersus science, idea of truth versus faith and the hold that powerful people and institutions have over the people that the supposedly serve.While The Da Vinci Code tackles ancient speculations about the Holy Grail, Angels and Demons involves more standard thriller fare. It puts science and religion into conflict by reviving the Illuminati, a secret society of scientists and freethinkers whose relationship with the Catholic Church has long been, Brown indicates, intimate, tangled, and not fully known. This secret society returns as a threat when the major church leaders are gathered at the Vatican to elect a new pontiff.

Increasing this centuries-old tension is a more specific threat: the Illuminati claim to have stolen a rare sample of antimatter and hidden it somewhere in the Vatican. It is highly explosive if it comes in contact with normal matter, and it will do so when a protective magnetic field runs out in twenty-four hours. Add to this the fact that the four preferred candidates for the papacy have been kidnapped, and the result is that Robert Langdon must decipher a grand puzzle and save the day while half a dozen clocks are ticking. Although the novel’s style is melodramatic, and its exposition and moral judgments are heavy-handed, Angels and Demons remains a first-rate thriller

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